Triangle Section: Get Involved in PARK(ing) Day

Get Involved in PARK(ing) DAY

PARK(ing) Day is coming up quickly on September 17, and we have two ways for our Triangle Section Members to get involved. If you’re interested in either opportunity below or have questions, please contact Triangle Section Chair, Josh Karrick.

Hurry, responses are due by August 30!

Become a Mentor

The NCSU Student Chapter is looking for mentors to help them with their PARK(ing) Day efforts. Mentors will participate with Student Teams during their design review scheduled for September 1, once during their pre-build process, and participate during the September 17 PARK(ing) Day build event.

Build Your Own PARK(ing) Space 

Firms can participate by building their own PARK(ing) space. Currently, there are only four spaces available for professional teams, and they're released on a first-come, first-served basis. Teams are required to cover all of their own expenses and spots are located at NCSU Centennial Campus on Main Campus Drive across the street from the Venture Center Courtyard. Secure your spot now.