President's Update: August 2021

President’s Update: August 2021

by Courtney Landoll, PLA, LEED AP

As we head back to the office and back to school, like most of you, we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation, gearing up for fall activities and looking ahead to next year as well. Below is a summary of what we are working on.

2021 NCASLA Awards Gala

Thank you to those of you who took our recent Awards Survey. The results were pretty clear that you very much would like an Awards event, but were not too enthusiastic about Top Golf or Drive Shack as potential venues. We are looking into alternatives while trying to determine the best course of action in light of the changing COVID outlook.

2022 NCASLA Conference

We have reached out to the Hotel Ballast in Wilmington to see if they can accommodate us in May 2022.

2023 Southeast Regional Conference (SERC)

The committee continues to plan for our tri-state conference in 2023. As we look at establishing an RFP for an event planner, the question has been posed, would our members be interested in making SERC an annual event? Be thinking about that and look for a survey to come out soon.

House Budget and Bill Tracking

On August 10 the House released its budget and there are several bills we are tracking. Please see our NCASLA Legislation Action Alert: August 2021 by Mike Askin, PLA, ASLA

Welcome New Executive Committee Members

Welcome to President-elect Josh Karrick, Secretary Zak Pierce, Member-at-large for Licensure and State Advocacy Kevin Barnes, Coastal Section Chair Sharon Rhue, and Mountain Section Chair Drake Fowler! The new members begin their term after ASLA’s Annual Conference in November. You can learn more about the new members here.

August Newsletter

To learn more about what the NCASLA Executive Committee is up to, please read all the articles found in the August 2021 newsletter.