President's Update: June 2021

President’s Update: June 2021

by Courtney Landoll, PLA, LEED AP

Wow, it’s June already?! Kids are getting out of school, the pools are open, and with lightening COVID restrictions we are all starting to think about vacation plans and getting back together. At NCASLA, we are eagerly thinking about ways that we, as landscape architects, can get back together, too, IN PERSON!

Before I get into our in-person plans, first I want to thank you all for your patience with us in this virtual world we have been living in, especially our Chapter Sponsors, Conference Sponsors, and Conference Exhibitors. Your commitment to NCASLA in our time of need has not gone unnoticed. To our members, thank you for enduring webinar, after webinar, we look forward to seeing you face to face again.

As I said, we are starting to plan in-person events! In June, we have a Sketch Crawl in Raleigh on June 19, so come join us free of charge and get those creative juices flowing! We also have upcoming hikes on June 26 at the North Carolina Arboretum worth up to 3 CEUs (approval pending). Plus, non-industry family and friends can come for free!

In late August/early September, we will be having an NCASLA Awards Road Show (one in Raleigh and one in Charlotte), with 2 CEUs available (approval pending). We are also in conversations about (PARK)ing Day. Stay tuned for more information.

We hope you will join us!

June Newsletter

To learn more about what the NCASLA Executive Committee is up to, please read all the articles found in the June 2021 newsletter.