Thank You for Attending the 2021 North Carolina Virtual Conference on Landscape Architecture

Thank You for Attending the 2021 North Carolina Virtual Conference on Landscape Architecture

by Dan Lambert, PLA, ASLA

NCASLA held our first ever fully virtual Conference on Landscape Architecture on May 19 - 20 where we were greeted by excellent attendance and a very informative, enlightening and engaging series of speakers and an impressive collection of vendors in their virtual booths for membership to interact with.

NCASLA would like to thank our event sponsors and vendors who attended for their support in a time when virtual interaction has become ubiquitous but still not the same as a traditional face-to-face conversation and networking opportunity. Thank you so much to our sponsors for their continued support of our membership and our profession.

Also, thank you to our membership for your attendance and engagement in making this year’s conference a success despite our distance.

Planning for the Annual Awards Gala has begun and we’re happy to say that our aim is to have an in-person event in late summer. Stay tuned for updates as that event takes shape.
