Sketch Crawl Registration Closes June 17

Sketch Crawl Registration Closes June 17

Join us for an in-person sketch crawl in Raleigh June 19 from 3:00-5:00 pm followed by a Happy Hour at Clouds Brewing. We'll be sketching Moore Square, Marbles Kids Museum Courtyard, and Exchange + Market Plazas. Hurry, registration closes on June 17!

1.    First Stop/Gathering Point:

Place: Moore Square (@ The central lawn area)

Address: 226 E Martin St, Raleigh, NC 27601

Start: at 3:00 pm

Sketch Time Investment: 30 minutes

All Sketches Review Time & Sketchers Conversation: 10 minutes

2.    Second Stop/Gathering Point:

Place: Marbles Kids Museum (@ Front entry outdoor area)

Address: 201 E Hargett St, Raleigh, NC 27601

Start: at 3:45 pm

Time Investment: 20 minutes

All Sketches Review Time & Sketchers Conversation: 10 minutes

3.    Third Stop/Gathering Point:

Place: 3a. Market & 3b. Exchange Plazas

Address: Market Plaza, Raleigh, NC 27601

Start: at 4:20 pm

Time Investment: 30 minutes

All Sketches Review Time & Sketchers Conversation: 10 minutes

 Sketch Crawl Finish Time: at 5:00 pm


4.    After Sketch Crawl Happy Hour Time:

Place: Clouds Brewing (@ Outdoor seating area)

Address: 126 N West St, Raleigh, NC 27603

Start: at 5:00 -5:30 pm

Time Investment: As much as you like 😊

Register Now

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