Member Spotlight: Drake Fowler

Member Spotlight: Drake Fowler

Check out our Member Spotlight with NCASLA Membership Committee member, Drake Fowler!

NCASLA: How is Landscape Architecture a part of your daily life?

Drake: At the Arboretum we use design process not only on physical things in the garden, but we use design process to be creative in organizational strategies and dilemmas. For me being a Landscape Architect impacts how I operate in my daily life. We are not only leaders, but often play the role of bringing synergy to design teams. Being synergistic is a transferable skill!

NCASLA: How do you describe Landscape Architecture to someone when they ask you what it is?

Drake: A smart Landscape Architect that I used to work with described our role as, “if the buildings were furniture, we are in charge or arranging the room.” I have found this to be true on many occasions.

NCASLA: What is the most unique project you’ve worked on?

Drake: I had the privilege to work on the Sierra Nevada Brewery in Mills River North Carolina. I have never worked with a company so focused on sustainability and overall quality. The construction was run by a construction manager with such organizational elegance, I will never forget that experience. As great as that project was, it does not compare walking up through the gardens of the Arboretum to my office and to advance this property for the people of North Carolina every day. It is a dream come true.

NCASLA: What does NCASLA do for you personally and/or your career?

Drake: NCASLA changed my career and life. Through NCASLA, I found my mentor - a relationship that I have had for 16 years now. Without the connections I have made through NCASLA my career would have been hollow. It is the people that have filled it up.