2022 NCASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture Call for Proposals

2022 NCASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture Call for Proposals

The North Carolina Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (NCASLA) is issuing a Call for Proposals for conference that takes place from May 19-21, 2022 at the Hotel Ballast in Wilmington, NC. We invite landscape architects, academics, allied professionals and vendors to the profession to submit proposals that fit this year’s conference theme. Please submit your proposal via our online form before 11:59 PM on Friday, December 3 

As the organization that represents the landscape architecture profession in the state of North Carolina, NCASLA’s mission is to advance the profession of landscape architecture in North Carolina through advocacy, communication, education, and fellowship.

Once again, in addition to certification of our courses through the North Carolina Board of Landscape Architects, NCASLA has become an approved course provider with the Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System (LACES) and will be offering LA CES credits for each of our sessions. NCASLA will work with presenter(s) to meet LACES requirements and will register the session on the national LA CES database. LA CES requires that all sessions be educational in nature and reinforce the learning objectives without the use of proprietary materials. Vendors' sessions will be reviewed carefully to ensure adequate academic content is provided.  Please note that honorariums, travel and/or lodging expenses will not be provided.


NCASLA 2022 Conference on Landscape Architecture


Thursday May 19 - Saturday May 21st, 2022
Hotel Ballast

Wilmington, North Carolina

Submit Your Proposal Now


We anticipate an attentive and energetic audience of over 200 attendees that will examine the theme of this year’s conference:

Conference on Confluence

The City of Wilmington embraces its location at the confluence of the Cape Fear River and the Atlantic Ocean. The profession of landscape architecture similarly thrives with the confluence of art and science, development and nature, history and innovation, people and place. However, landscape architects cannot succeed in solitude. Collaboration and participation are imperative.

With this Call for Proposals, we seek sessions that examine this idea of confluence, including topics related to differing factors that join to create innovative and diverse solutions, but also seek projects and processes that promote collaboration, environmental justice and social and economic resiliency for our local communities.

Conference educational sessions will be generally one hour, but we will also consider two-hour deep dive sessions (note two-hour sessions will be broken up by regularly scheduled breaks). Field sessions will also be available for Thursday afternoon and Saturday Morning. Multidisciplinary panels and sessions that address regional issues are encouraged.

Proposal Requirements

Proposals for all conference and continuing education sessions must include the following elements to be considered.

  1. Each presenter’s contact information and biography

  2. Working Title: Choose a title that accurately reflects the content of the proposed session. Clever or catchy titles are great, as long as they are not misleading.

  3. Presentation Level: Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced

  4. Presentation Length/Type

    1. 60 minutes/Classroom or Field Session

    2. 2 hour-deep dive/Classroom or Field Session

  5. Abstract/Session Description: Describe your session content in no more than 250 words.  Your description will appear in the national LACES database, promotional emails and event program.

  6. Learning objectives: List three bullet-point-style objectives participants will accomplish as a result of this session that will expand their knowledge, skills, or abilities in the field of landscape architecture. 

  7. Audience Engagement: Please describe the format for how you intend to present the information, such as lecture, panel discussion, workshop, if you will include break-out groups, etc.  We encourage you to consider the needs of all learning types including audio, visual and kinesthetic as you think about the format of your presentation.

  8. AV/Room Needs: Speakers provide your own laptop, but all rooms will have a complete LCD package (large screen, dress kit, LCD projector, cart and cables).  One microphone will come standard in each room for the presenter.  Additional equipment, such as:

    1. Internet Access

    2. Flipchart

    3. Additional number of microphones (for panelists, etc.)

    4. Other needs will be coordinated by the Conference Program Chair with selected presenters. Note, the presenter is responsible for bringing laser pointers or other similar devices.

  9. Promo Pics: If you would like an image related to your presentation or a presenter photo potentially included in the program, feel free to send it along .tif or .jpg files below 2 MB in size. Pending available space and/or program costs, we may choose to include it.

  10. Health, safety, and welfare (HSW) qualification: State whether the presentation meets the LA CES definition of Health, Safety, and Welfare.

  11. LACES Qualifying Subjects: Please list which LACES subjects apply to your presentation. Qualifying subjects include:

    Agriculture/Local Food Production

    Business Practices/Contracts/HR

    Campus Planning & Design


    Development Trends
    Energy Conservation/Renewable Energy

    Green Roofs

    Healthcare and Therapeutic Design

    Historic Preservation


    Housing & Community Design

    Parks & Recreation

    Project Management


    Residential Design

    Rural Landscape

    Security Design

    Site Planning

    Sustainable Development & Design



    Urban Planning & Design

    Water/Stormwater Management

All proposals will be acknowledged once received.  We anticipate acceptance notices to be sent by Mid-February 2022.

NCASLA looks forward to receiving your proposal.
Thank you for your support of NCASLA.

Submit Your Proposal Now