1st LARE Roundtable Conversation for Emerging Professionals on January 21

1st LARE Roundtable Conversation for Emerging Professionals on January 21

by Sahar Teymouri, NCASLA Associate Member-At-Large EPC Rep.

We are thrilled to start 2021 Emerging Professionals Committee (EPC) events with the 1st LARE Roundtable Conversation and look forward to seeing you at the virtual event. The virtual event is on Thursday, January 21, from 12:00-1:00 pm.

In the 1st LARE webinar, we will host five professionals at different stages of their careers. They share their own unique experience of LARE exams and the lessons learned during studying and getting licensed.

We would love to have your questions about the LARE exam in advance to help us host a more fruitful conversation. Please send us any questions you may have to info@ncasla.org. We plan to answer them during the webinar.

I am also happy to let you know we have several events planned for EPs this year. Stay tuned and please reach out to your friends, colleagues, and co-workers and invite them to the EP events!

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